Term of Sale

Every order constitutes explicit acceptance of the terms and conditions.

The products will be delivered in the whole European territory trought express.

The data provided by the customer when the order will be included in the invoice.
The issuance of the invoice is contemporary to the departure of the goods and sent via e -mail address you entered during registration.
No changes will be possible after the issuance of the invoice.

The technical details and images of a product may not be complete and comprehensive features.
The term ” available” when the product shown is indicative for the possibility of multiple purchases at the same time by multiple users or for exceeding the storage warehouse .
For this reason JLID S.r.l. reserves the possibility, once received the order , to check the availability of the property and, failing that, to promptly notify the non-acceptance of the order sent.

No responsibility can be attributed to JLID S.r.l.
The correct order is confirmed by JLID S.r.l. response by email, sent to the email address notified by the customer an order confirmation with all information necessary to identify the seller and the customer will remember.
This confirmation message will resurface all the data entered by the customer agrees to verify the correctness and communicate any corrections.
By placing the order on the site jlid-surfstore.com the customer declares to have read the terms and conditions of sale, terms of payment and proposals of the whole process.


Payment methods

The credit card payment is processed through the secure platform, one among the most secured and used platforms in order to process online payments, as it focuses on security in making transaction and it is easy to use. The customer can purchase the wished products with his/her credit card in a secure manner. No surcharge will be applied when paying with credit card.


Customers can purchase the wished products through a bank wire transfer. When placing the order, the customer can select “Bank Wire” as payment method and see the bank account details needed in order to send the bank wire transfer. The payment has to be sent within 7 days from the date when the order was placed – otherwise, the order will be canceled in order not to hold items in the stock for an undetermined period of time.

The bank account details are reported below:


JLID s.r.l. Distribution
IBAN: IT 49 E 02008 25101 000104935083


Once the payment is received, we will fulfill the order.
By sending a bank wire transfer you will also pay the minimum amount for the shipping costs, without any surcharge.


JLID s.r.l. Distribution accepts cash or check on delivery payments as payment method. The payment in cash, the courier can’t give change – we ask our customer to have the exact required amount at one’s disposal at the moment of the delivery. This payment methods, cash or check on delivery, has a 1.5% plus a total amount as COD additional fee.


Paypal payment is accepted for order under one hundred anf fity euro, only.